Bredon cohomology
General Introduction
An equivariant theory
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Online References
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Paper References
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Standard theorems
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Open Problems
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Connections to Number Theory
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Computations and Examples
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History and Applications
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Some Research Articles
Bigraded equivariant cohomology of real quadrics , by Pedro F. dosSantos and Paulo Lima-Filho: K0785
arXiv:1206.2781 Representing Bredon cohomology with local coefficients by crossed complexes and parametrized spectra from arXiv Front: math.AT by Samik Basu, Debasis Sen For a discrete group G, we represent the Bredon cohomology with local coefficients as the homotopy classes of maps in the category of equivaraint crossed complexes. Subsequently, we construct a naive parametrized G-spectrum, such that the cohomology theory defined by it reduces to the Bredon cohomology with local coefficients when restricted to suspension spectra of spaces.
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