Crystalline cohomology
General Introduction
See also Sheaf cohomology, Weil cohomology
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Online References
Note: When starting looking at p-adic cohomology, there are various surveys/introductions by Illusie and Kedlaya to look at.
A proof of the Crystalline conjecture: Niziol
A survey by Niziol on "p-adic motivic cohomology".
Bloch: Crystals and de Rham-Witt connections: MR2074428
MR0565469 review for cryst cohomology intro.
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Paper References
Illusie: Complexe de de Rham-Witt et cohomologie cristalline
Berthelot: LNM407
Survey by Illusie in Motives volumes.
Gillet and Messing: Cycle classes and Riemann-Roch for crystalline cohomology
Crystalline cohomology of algebraic stacks and Hyodo-Kato cohomology . Asterisque 316.
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Standard theorems Stacks project on finiteness and comparison with de Rham cohomology.
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Open Problems
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Connections to Number Theory
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Computations and Examples
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History and Applications
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Some Research Articles
Bhatt and de Jong article on comparison with de Rham cohomology:
Bloch: Algebraic K-theory and crystalline cohomology
Feigin, B.L., Tsygan, B.L.: Additive K-theory and crystalline cohomology. Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 19, 52–62 (1985)
Atsushi Shiho, Crystalline fundamental groups and $p$-adic Hodge theory (381--398);
Mokrane: Cohomologie cristalline des varietes ouvertes (1993)
Yamasita: p-adic étale cohomology and crystalline cohomology of open varieties
arXiv:1205.1597 Torsion in the crystalline cohomology of singular varieties from arXiv Front: math.AG by Bhargav Bhatt This note discusses some examples showing that the crystalline cohomology of even very mildly singular projective varieties tends to be quite large. In particular, any singular projective variety with at worst ordinary double points has infinitely generated crystalline cohomology in at least two cohomological degrees. These calculations rely critically on comparisons between crystalline and derived de Rham cohomology.
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Other Information de Jong on crystalline cohomology
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