Letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
- JacobianWrite comment View comments
Fact: Every abelian variety can be embedded in a jacobian, over an arbitrary field. Proved by Gabber in "On space filling curves and Albanese varieties"
<]]>- JannsenWrite comment View comments
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- JardineWrite comment View comments
Here is a list of publications
A high light is his notes on simplicial presheaves and presheaves of spectra
Some articles:
- Algebraic homotopy theory article at Google books.
- The multiple Q-construction. Available on Google Books here (I have no copy myself)
<]]>- JoshuaWrite comment View comments
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- Jouanolou's trickWrite comment View comments
This might refer to the fact that for any quasiprojective variety
, there exists an affine bundle
such that
is affine. For this fact, see Bloch and Esnault: Lectures on algebro-geometric Chern-Weil...
<]]>- JoyalWrite comment View comments
An interview
Joyal said in a message to the categories list that he would start putting his work online in 2010.
Some texts:
- Letter to Grothendieck